Elizabeth Oliver » Welcome


Christiana Elementary School Library
Linebaugh Public Library
Linebaugh Public Library - eBooks & Audiobooks (public library card needed)
Tennessee Electronic Library
Phone: (615) 896-0614, ext. 25111
The Role of the Library Media Specialist
An effective school library plays a critical role in preparing learners for life in an information-rich society. School libraries are dynamic learning environments that bridge the gap between access and opportunity for all K–12 learners.
Grounded in standards and best practice, school libraries are an integral component of the educational landscape. The school library provides access to a wide array of resources and an environment in which teaching and learning are the primary emphases.
The school library provides a space and place for personalized learner success; learners are encouraged to explore questions of personal and academic relevance. Under the direction of a qualified school librarian, school libraries are instrumental in fostering literacy and teaching inquiry skills to support lifelong learning.
Instruction and services provided through the school library are developed around six essential Shared Foundations—Inquire, Include, Collaborate, Curate, Explore, and Engage:
  •  Inquire: Inquiry and investigation are at the core of the school library. Through scaffolding the use of an inquiry-based model of learning, the school library offers multiple opportunities for learners to integrate new and existing knowledge.
  • Include: An effective school library includes inclusive resources, programs, and services that meet the needs of all learners; represents various points of view on current and historical issues; and provides support across a wide range of interest areas with opportunities for learners to recognize themselves.
  • Collaborate: An effective school library encourages broadening personal knowledge and creating interconnected learning opportunities through collaboration. Users of the school library collaborate effectively, sharing ideas and information in a responsible and ethical manner.
  • Curate: The effective school library includes a professionally curated collection of resources selected based on their authority, currency, relevance, scope, and relationship to other items in the collection. Using this selection model, users of the school library are encouraged to examine the authority and bias of authors or producers of information when curating resources for recreational and academic use.
  • Explore: An effective school library provides learners with a venue to explore questions that arise out of personalized learning opportunities and out of individual curiosity and interest. The school library focuses on the development of a culture of reading, supports reading for learning and personal enjoyment, and provides opportunities for learners to read for pleasure. To meet the needs of all learners, the school library provides a wide variety of resources in multiple formats.
  • Engage: Effective school libraries help learners engage with the principles of safe and effective 21st century information skills and provide opportunities for learners to develop competencies in a space that allows learners to share and disseminate information in this ever-changing digital landscape. 


Calling all 3rd-5th graders! You are invited to register for a FREE and FUN Literary Festival! MTSU College of Education is hosting the first ever SOKidLit Festival on Saturday, May 14 from 9 am - 1 pm. Register to get free books, meet authors, and have a chance to share your writing on a stage. REGISTER HERE.
Read Across America Day is March 2, but we can—and should!—read and share diverse books all year round. Make a lifelong reader of the kids in your life by reading diverse and inclusive books in the months to come. #ReadAcrossAmerica
Thank you for your Book Fair support!
CES families and friends,
Thank you for supporting our Book Fair! We are excited to purchase new library books for our school. And as always, we enjoy spreading the love of reading to our wildcats!